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Students Reviews

Review For
Ahmed Khaled
English Tutor
Had some issues with my speaking skills and with him i was able to fix the all.
Salem Mohammed
Sep 13, 2023

Review For
Salem Abdullah
Arabic Tutor
I GOT the ability to understand Arabic with him
Ahmed Khaled
Sep13, 2023

Review For
Haneen Abdullah
Quran Tutor
I joined Islam and i am learning much with Ms.Haneen
Ahmed Khaled
Sep13, 2023

Review For
Robert C. Neuman
English Tutor
The best Accent Tutor
Jean Pierre
Aug13, 2023
You think you have questions on our Online Tutoring? WE GOT YOU COVERD!
What is Learnply?
Learnply is an online tutoring platform that connects students with professional tutors to facilitate class bookings. Our platform offers a seamless learning experience, allowing students to learn 24/7, anytime, and anyplace.
How does Learnply ensure the quality of its tutors?
At Learnply, we take the quality of our tutors seriously. We carefully select and vet our tutors based on their qualifications, expertise, and teaching experience. We ensure that only professional tutors with a proven track record of delivering successful educational outcomes join our platform.
How can I make a class booking on Learnply?
Making a class booking on Learnply is simple. After signing up and selecting your preferred tutoring category, you can browse through the profiles of our tutors. Once you find a tutor that suits your requirements, you can book a class directly through our platform. You can also check the availability of tutors to find a time slot that works for you.
Is there a trial or demo session available before committing to Learnply?
Yes, Learnply offers trial or demo sessions to help you get acquainted with our platform and experience our tutoring services firsthand. These sessions give you the opportunity to interact with a tutor, ask questions, and assess whether Learnply is the right fit for your educational needs.
What if I face technical issues or need assistance during my learning sessions?
We understand that technical issues or questions may arise during your learning journey. That's why Learnply has a dedicated support team available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. If you encounter any technical difficulties or have any questions, you can reach out to our support team, and they will promptly assist you.